Up until this afternoon, I had spent approximately 1 week, 3 days, 17 hours, 52 minutes, and 34.9387 seconds away from the most incredible gaggle of Mission Adelante kids, a.k.a. my best friends. Because of that, my Thanksgiving Break would be more effectively phrased as being Time Spent Without My Heart, My Life, and My Purpose. A little dramatic? I think not.
Don’t get me wrong, I have the greatest family on this planet (in my highly accurate opinion, of course). And as a definite plus, Mom didn’t make me do chores while I was home either…but my world was significantly dimmer without the delightfully energetic, aggravating, and fantastical group of children I have affectionately termed My Reasons for Being Alive.
It never ceases to amaze me how a single person can fill holes in your life you never even knew you had. Sometimes I wonder how I had not known these kids were sharing the world with me. It seems like the day they were born, I should have been acutely aware that from then on nothing would be the same. Being around them makes it easier to breathe, although I must admit that occasionally lose that breath. Tunnel tag is no joke.
So this is life as I know it. But it is constantly changing. God is truly reforming me every second, even though this blog will only document my weekly status. In the meantime, please keep these beautiful children in your prayers. If you let them into your hearts, I can promise you that God will use them to rock your world.
Little Miss Gaby only stopped singing long enough for me to take a few pictures at the Leaders In Training Service Day. Without fail, I could hear her before I could see her when she returned to the mulch pile for another load. This little one is larger than life.
We group-hugged Jesus. No big deal.
In this little game I call Blind Date, one blind-folded girl gets her partner ready for a night on the town. Here are the results. I think it worked out splendidly :)